Friday, March 3, 2017

Be Still - by Bill McLarty

Up until two years ago, I served as a middle school pastor in Mobile. On a weekly basis, during the school year, I would get the opportunity to do a short devotion at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club at one of the Middle Schools. One of these early mornings, I was headed towards the school, and as I drove I was trying to decide on which 'talk' I wanted to give to the students. To say that nothing was coming to me is an understatement. On this particular morning, I was extremely distracted; by my home life, by my upcoming schedule for the day, by the radio, by traffic noise, by the sunrise, the amount of dust building on my dashboard, etc... . You get the point.

After much pondering I decided to turn the radio off and to roll up the windows, so that I could really focus and think through what I was going to bring to the students.

As I rode along, down Airport Blvd., in silence, I began to notice my truck making this funny noise, it was kind of a whirrruppbbbb….. whirrruppbbbb… whirrruppbbbb kind of noise. I had never heard this noise before and it concerned me a little. It was then that God nudged me with the idea that this noise had been here all along, I had just not heard it because I was too distracted by other things.

I believe that we are like that sometimes. We are unable to distinguish that there may be something in our life that we need to deal with, with God, because we are too distracted by the “noise of life” going on around us. 

In Psalm 46:10, the Bible says this,

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

I would like to encourage you to take some time today to 'Be still' before God, and hear what he has to say. Don't let the extent of your communication be a quick, self-pacifying prayer, thanking God for your meal. When you pray, take time to be quiet and listen to God. Our prayer life should always consist of a time of listening to God and not just bringing forth our laundry lists of needs.