Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hope in God - by Donna Lewis, Social Worker LCSW

I was born to a family with generational abuse.  My mother's father at age 14 was sold by his father to a man he owed a debt to in Wisconsin.  He escaped to New Orleans where he met and married my grandmother.  Their daughter met and married my father the oldest son of a sharecropper.   He was physically and emotionally abused by his impulsive and cruel father who used religion to justify his behaviors. 

My father, a veteran and good provider, inherited his bad temper so as children we learned to fear him.   So it is completely understandable why my mother fearing that my father would become vigilante, told me to not tell anyone when I reported to her at age 12 that I was being molested by my father's brother.  I prayed and asked God to stop the circumstances.  My uncle was drafted and sent to Vietnam. 

I felt very alone and abandoned.  At church the pastor began to talk about childhood sexual abuse.  My heart leapt.  You mean there were others like me?!?!   The sorrow returned when he closed with, "this only happens in other religions not in our church".  Again I was unseen and unheard.  Did God see me as damaged also? 

I had difficulty concentrating in school.  I blamed myself.  I believed I was damaged and unlovable.  I continue to pray.  I continued to read the scriptures.  As a teenager reading about Joseph ,  a part of Genesis 50: 20   came very much alive. " You planned evil against me.  God planned it for good." This gave me hope!   I knew then that I had a purpose.  I could and would be a strength in God's hands.  "All things work to the good for those who love the Lord”  Romans 8:28. 

I made many bad choices and I learned and grew just like Jesus did.   " He learned obedience through the things he suffered" Hebrews 8:5.  After a divorce to an abusive man, my son and I relied on second Corinthians 12: 9 “My grace is sufficient for thee: for [my] power is made perfect in weakness.”.  I entered USM school of social work specializing in trauma recovery. 

Today God has used my weakness to be my strengths.  Children and adults who have suffered or are suffering abuse are comfortable speaking with me.  I understand what they feel because I have experienced it.   The Spirit of Lord is working through me.   American Standard Version Genesis 50:20  And as for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.   I have been blessed greatly as the things that I suffered have now become my strengths.   The word of God lives in me.