Saturday, December 2, 2017

No Room

And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

This season beginning at Thanksgiving and ending with Christmas has always been extremely difficult for me; you see, I was born to a family with no room for me.

I endured abuse which was unspeakable yet I learned to wear the mask of a smile under ALL conditions. Family became the F-word to me. I learned love and service from friends and church.

Having to pretend to be happy and love Christmas while watching Norman Rockwell images of loving families, the difference between my reality and the images was too much for me. Even now in remembrance I have great difficulty with the season . . . I continue to wait for December 25th when the wait is over.

Jesus was born into a world without love; He brought light into the darkness. As I remember this season, I remember the love and light He brings into my life. May I bring the light into the lives of others. May I remember those who also found “no room in the inn” and open my heart and understanding to them.

Prayer: Lord, us remember those who were born into families with no room in their hearts for them. Amen.

* The author of this precious devotion originally declined to write for this publication, but felt God speak, so the author was obedient! I pray there are others who will be inspired by the honesty.