Friday, December 15, 2017

God's Mercy Endures Forever - by Jude Williams Howell

"I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." Exodus 33:19  NIV

I  read this Bible verse many years ago, and I thought, doesn't God have mercy on everyone?

The Bible says, "But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children." Ps. 103: 17 NKJV

My Father, Morris C. Williams, was selected for service in the Air Force and trained as a fighter pilot under the Southeastern Training Command. Because he had spent his junior and senior years at the Columbia Military Academy in Columbia, Tennessee, he was advanced to the rank of Cadet Officer and then to Platoon Lieutenant during his nine-month training period.
In April 1943, he was assigned to the 36th squadron of the 361st fighter group at Bottisham, England. After flying 45 combat missions between October and May of 1944 and 150 combat hours, he was shot down on May 24,1944 while flying over a German airport near Munster, Germany. He bailed out of his P51 Mustang after the plane burst into flames.

Following his capture by civilians, he was taken to a Dulag POW Camp for interrogation. He was then moved to Stalag 3 at Sagan, Germany. Next, he was moved to Moosberg for the remainder of his captivity. The camp was liberated by George C. Patton on April 29, 1945.

The Williams family were recipients of God's mercy and compassion! Not only did my father survive the crash, but he survived captivity as well. Soon after he arrived at the POW camp, he saw his childhood friend, Joe Covington, who was also from Meridian, and they both rejoiced in this Blessing from God.

My dad was presumed dead, and the word got back to Meridian that he had perished in the mission.  Imagine the joy and thankfulness they shared when they learned he was alive!

In the Bible, the virtues of mercy and compassion are mentioned in various forms hundreds of times, especially in describing God's nature. Instead of giving us what we deserve, God has shown mercy again and again to give us a chance to repent and be saved. What a Mighty God we serve!

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for not giving us what we deserve!