Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What Do You Think? - by Soni Buckalew

Read Psalm 139:23-24

See if there be any wicked way in me. – Psalm 139:24a

Bennett pointed to a slender tube on the bathroom counter. “Is that Gold Bond Dark Spot Remover?” “No,” his Honey replied, “That is Gold Bond Neck and Chest Firming Cream.”
Bennett inquired, “What is that for?” Honey begins her lesson on ageing. “When people get older their necks and chests start to wrinkle. The bottle says 97% of those who use this product will have smoother skin in two weeks.”  Honey bends down and reveals her décolletage, “What do you think?” Wide-eyed Bennett replied with all the honesty of a five-year-old. “I think you need the brown spot remover!” 

Ouch! So worried about wrinkles I failed to see dark spots. Isn’t that true in our spiritual lives? Like a laser beam we focus on one portion of our relationship with Christ while another is neglected. What personal wrinkles or spots need removing in your life? Bitterness? Anger? Unforgiveness? Jealousy?

Throughout the Lenten season set aside time for daily introspection. Be honest with yourself. Journal or share your revelations with a trusted friend. Allow God to search your heart and mind to see what attitudes need smoothing out and actions require fading away. With eyes wide open to not only the wrinkles in your life but also the dark spots of your soul, your Maker is waiting to lead you back to the way everlasting.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You formed me and made me. You redeemed me by the blood of your Son Jesus. Show me how to live each day in a way that points others to that glorious truth. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen

Thought for the day: What wicked way is in me?

Prayer Focus: Teaching grandchildren what is important.