Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Focus on Jesus - by Mark Faircloth

To me, Easter has always been a time of mixed feelings.  Unlike Christmas, with nothing but joy and expectation, Holy week also contains angst, pain and betrayal.  After 21 centuries of telling, I wonder if some of the danger and doubt has worn smooth on Christians, because we know how the story ends.  Would I have had the same faith in my Savior if I had been with Him during that terrible time? 

If one is looking for bad guys, it’s easy to pick out the usual suspects like the Jewish leaders, Pilate, the mob at the trial.  Even His own disciples’ behavior ranged from appalling (Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s 3 denials), to lost (Thomas asking the way in John 14:5) to petty (James and John arguing over who will sit next to Jesus).  As I read the story of Holy week, it’s uncomfortably easy to find myself in the crowd, at the trial, even at the table.

It’s just as easy to find my way out of guilt, by making a Lenten promise, by paying extra attention to the Bible or making/changing a habit for 40 days.  These are excellent ways to deepen my faith and living, but are they enough?  Will they prevent me from betraying my Master?  Will they keep me awake in the garden?  Only if they lead to true change of heart and action that doesn’t stop on Easter morning.  My prayer is that my temporary focus on Jesus’ journey will be the basis of renewed deeper living for Him. 

Colossians 2: 6-7        (“…continue your lives in Him…”)
John 15:1-2                 (“…cuts off every branch that doesn’t bear fruit…”)

(“…prunes others that they may be even more fruitful…”)