Monday, April 3, 2017

Restlessness and Contentment in Our Daily Lives - by Laura Bowie

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you were tempted to manipulate the circumstances so that it comes true?  What’s wrong with “lining up a few things” or “talking to all the right people about it”?  Is that the right thing to do?  It’s not easy – especially when you are convinced that it is either something you deserve or something that would make everything in your life better. 

Wanting something isn’t necessarily bad, but when that “something” becomes the end goal and consumes our thoughts, we end up discontent because that thing was never meant to fulfill us.  Only Christ can fulfill us. 

Romans 12:2 teaches us to learn to rely on God in these situations: Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Personally, I have learned that in these circumstances, we have to do a few things:

(     (1)   Recognize that when we want something really badly, that desire can cloud our judgement regarding taking action to achieve it.  For example, it’s wise to have your acceptance speech prepared for that special award, but don’t contact the judges to influence them in your direction!

          (2)   Stop thinking about it all the time because it influences you to dwell on the things you can’t control.  For example, if you’re not thinking about it all the time, you won’t be tempted to pester your boss about the promotion.  In that instance, it’s best to mention it once and be done with it so you can move on to more productive things.

(       (3)   Pray that God will take away that desire to influence the situation and to accept the outcome.  God can make a real difference if you ask him to.  More than once, I’ve asked God to please soften my desire for something so that I can focus on other things that are pleasing to Him.  Before I knew it, I had lost the tendency to think about the issue all the time and I became a much better person for it!