Monday, March 27, 2017

Not Yet -by Joy Brown

When they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped                                                                      Exodus 4:31, NIV  

When things don’t always go our way, it’s tempting to gripe at God, blame Him and want to rely on our own strength.

Almost everyone we know is walking through or has walked through a storm. If you are walking through a storm right now, do you feel God’s nearness?

Or does it feel like He has forgotten about you?

Have you wondered if God is with you?

Or do you believe He treasures you even though He’s not giving you what you want right now?

Guess what…He does has not forgotten about you! He is with you! He treasures you!

It is hard to wait, walk and worship in the storms. However, this is the perfect time to remember that God does listen to our prayers. If we trust and obey Him while in the storm, we will see how He leverages our hardships to actually work in our favor. We can rejoice over the way God will make all things beautiful in their proper time.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us (Ephesians 3:20, MSG).

Trust in the Name of the Lord. It is impossible for Him to fail you! Worship Him through your storms. Worship God because He is always good, even when we can’t see what He is up to.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to learn that You make me wait because You are making me ready. Thank you for taking Your time with me. You know what is best for me. Help me trust you and when it is all said and done, I know I will be glad I trusted You. Help me realize that I trust You now. My soul waits for You, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray.