Thursday, April 6, 2017

Safety Net - by Jennifer Faircloth


In His typical, wonderful fashion, God began preparing me to write this devotion even before I was asked.  Recently he brought someone else’s’ devotion into my hands based on Matthew 11:25-30.  The key verse for me was “Come to me, all you whom are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  You may joke, “Well, y’all are building a house, no wonder you feel weary and burdened at times.”  That’s true!  But this verse spoke to me on a deeper level.  I realized quickly that I often to go Jesus, and definitely when weary, yet I do not always release my burdens, especially old ones. 

The Lord’s had me meditating on this for a while and I’ve wondered how Lent fits in.  Quite well!  Lent is a season of confessing, cleansing and preparing for living into Christ’s resurrection.  Adding a spiritual discipline, like fasting, can be useful.  What if this year for Lent, I commit to a “fasting practice”, i.e. the giving over/letting go of my burdens to Jesus?  Only through the Holy Spirit’s power can I first give thanks for any burden (1 Thess. 5:18) and second, give it to Jesus.

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?  Yet when I envision 40 days of acting on this commitment, my heart skips a beat.  Why? Because some burdens are familiar.  Yes, when their weight makes me weary, worried, sometimes depleted in body, mind and spirit, but it’s a known load to me.  And, “familiar” is a safety net.  After all, what would replace my safety net?  Exactly: THE UNKNOWN!  Yet, there are no unknowns, for nothing is hidden from my Father, past present and future.  In unconditional love, He declares to me, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for welfare (peace) and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)

I accepted His Calvary love 56 years ago, so I would hope by now that I could constantly and easily give over old burdens and rest in Jesus’ knowing and His plans for me.  But I don’t, though through recent reflection, I acknowledge I want to want to!

So, here comes Lent, no better time to daily ask for faith to believe Jesus is my only safety net and to practice “fasting my burdens.”  I look forward to the rest that Jesus will provide.