Thursday, March 9, 2017

FORGIVE - by Carolyn Clark

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.                                                 Matthew 6:14-16

If you are like me, I have many sins.  I tend to hold on to my grief, or annoyance or hatred a little too long. I have trouble letting go.  I feel justified in my anger and betrayal, and I play that record over and over.  Sometimes, I use it to stay connected to the wrong done to me.  But if I were to turn that around on myself, oh how easily I forget how I have wronged another. I forget my sins very easily. 
The word of God instructs me how to obtain forgiveness for what others have done to me and for what I have done to others, but time and again I am unwilling to put it into practice.  It is hard work to pull the thorn out, lay it down and walk away from it.  A wound cannot heal unless it is free from debris.  So, my challenge is your challenge.  You may not be able to forget or may not want to, but forgive. I am going to try for my sins cannot be forgiven otherwise.  

Peace to you.