Friday, April 28, 2017

If I Could Be a Mockingbird - by Steve Rusk

“Then they said to him, “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered, “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also”      John 8:19      

                                                                   I was working in the warehouse and the big garage door was opened when a mockingbird flew in.  I tried everything I could to scare the bird out but he would just sit on the rafters and chirp.  I clapped my hands, yelled and even threw a block of wood, and he would just sit there.  It was late Friday afternoon, and I was going home for the weekend. I knew that the bird would be trapped inside for the weekend if he did not get out.  I finally gave up and put the door down.  If I could just be a bird I could show him how to get out.

When I returned on Monday I did not see the bird.  Time passed and a few weeks later as I moved some pallets I found the dead bird.  My thought returned to the idea of becoming a bird, and it occurred to me that is what Jesus did for me.  He became a physical man so that I might know him and the father.


Abba Father,

Thank you for coming to earth to know us.  Thank you for the examples of love you show us through your word.  Help us to live a life that brings honor to you and the father.  Amen