Sunday, April 2, 2017

Rejoice Always - by Jude Howell

“Rejoice Always, Pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
                                              1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I have had an opportunity to meet the greatest people in my Church.
They are friendly, eager to help and mindful of the needs of others.
I first met our Prayer leader many years ago before I called St Paul United Methodist Church, my home!

She was a friend of my Mothers and I heard about her and her Prayer Ministry all the time.
My Mother was always either getting home from or going to a Prayer function.
Years later I joined St Paul and Steve started coming with me to church. It wasn’t long until we  were  either going to or coming from a Prayer function!
All my life I had tried to pray, I mean really pray for more than 3 minutes!
My mind would always wander and I would start making a grocery list in my mind and organizing my “to do” list for the next day.
I joined the Prayer Team led by Joan Simpson and my prayer life changed!
Joan would say the most beautiful prayers for anyone who had requested prayer.
She would always follow up soon after to see if prayers had been answered
She really cares! Praying is serious business to her. Prayer has been the calling on Joan’s life more years than I have been alive.
She gets on her knees all during the day and night to pray for whomever God lays on her heart to pray for.

Joan is a Prayer Warrior! I never knew what that meant until I met her. I had no idea what Intercessory prayer was until I joined the Prayer Team. Praying without ceasing finally came to life for me through this Precious lady!

St Paul United Methodist Church Prayer Ministry has grown from a one church Ministry to church’s in our city and out of town as well.

The reason for this is because of the miracles that have been witnessed from answered prayers for all of those who have sought God’s favor and blessings through this Prayer Ministry!

Heavenly Father we come to You with grateful hearts.
Thank You for our Prayer Warriors .
Thank You Lord for Joan Simpson.