Monday, December 11, 2017

Be Mindful - by Keri Peresich

Read Psalm 8.*

What joy it brings to my soul when someone says that she/he has been thinking of me! Sometimes I wonder how “little ole me” could be taking up space in the mind of anyone. The really good news is that we can all be assured our awesome God always has us on His mind. Isn’t that an amazing thought? 

Psalm 8 reminds us that not only is God mindful of us, but He also has honored us with glory and made us caregivers of His beautiful creations.  In our role as caregivers, I feel that God is calling each of us to make more space in our minds to think of and care for others. In our busy lives, we can sometimes forget that caring for each other and our world is not just desired, but expected of us. I will admit that I am often guilty of falling asleep without having said my prayers or written in my thankful journal. I need to do better!  Maybe you would like to join me in trying harder to make sure my time for God and others doesn’t disappear in those hectic times of life.


Dear Lord,
Just as you are ever mindful of us, help us to be mindful of each other. Help us to share your never-ending love by our thoughts, words, and actions. May we be good caregivers of all of your creations. Thank you for all our many blessings!!  Amen

*In your quiet time, you may want to listen to Tom Fettke’s beautiful choral arrangement of Psalm 8, “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name.” (There are many options on YouTube.)  You will be blessed!