Monday, December 18, 2017

Letting God Handle It - by John Bush

Deuteronomy 4:12 Then the Lord spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there was only a voice.

In late January of 2001 I tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder. A week or so later as the physicians were putting me to sleep my heart quit. When I opened my eyes after this encounter, I was startled that a nurse was holding a respirator tightly over my mouth and the rest of the staff there in the operating room were all white as sheep and appeared to be very upset about something. It was then explained to me that as they were administering the anesthesia my heart had quit.

Three days later after extensive testing it was determined that there were no heart problems and the reason for my heart stopping was due to a slow heart rate, which I’ve had all my life. This was not adjusted when putting me to sleep. The surgery was then performed and all went well.

Fast forward four days, it’s Monday morning and my wife goes to work. I have not been by myself since the heart stopping and now here I am all alone. It hit me, what if my heart stops, what will happen; I could die all alone and no one would know. I couldn’t sit still, I was simply terrified and spent several hours going from inside the house to wandering around out in the yard.

On one of the trips inside the telephone rang. I answered and it was Linda, a devout Christian lady, that I worked with. She was calling to just to check on how I was doing.  I will never forget her response when I told her about my fear of being alone. It will be ok she said, stop and talk to God and let Him handle your fear.

I vividly remember after she hung up, I lay down on the couch and prayed to God to take away the fear and anxiety. And then it happened, an unseen voice but a voice as clear as it could be said “it’s o.k.” Instantly the fear and anxiety was gone. I had heard the voice of God telling me that “it’s o.k.”

Prayer: Father thank you for your understanding and guidance that you provide if only we ask.  Amen!