Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Mother Like Mary - by Heather Church

1 John 4:4  You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 

The world was taking her. Daughter was slipping through my fingers and I couldn’t hold on to her. She was funny and fearless. She flipped and she fiddled. But she lost herself and let it all go. Her fierce flame wasn’t burning like it used to. Daughter was removed and introverted. Her faith was questioned and broken.   I prayed. I stood bold. I cried in the night and loved hard in the day. Keep guiding her. Be her beacon. Be the wall she swims to and when she swims away still be the strong wall for when she decides to swim back. It will hurt and a mother’s heart will break. Look forward to the day she hugs you and mends your heart. I will overcome. We will overcome.  

Daughter began walking her new path that was revealed to her. She found art. She found music. She found a reason to go against the world and be her own beautiful true self. We shared devotionals. We shared prayers. We shared disappointments, anger, let downs, and tears.   Now, here we stand mother and daughter. Sharing a new love. Sharing a mended heart and hugs. Sharing a stronger faith and our true colors shining. The world did not win this time. A mother’s love for daughter won.   

Mother like Mary. Mary is a beautiful role model for mothers. Mary was humble, faithful, strong, and gave great love. What a gift from God to be a faithful, sacrificing mother. To give your best every day for your child. Mary has a lot to teach mothers as we reflect on her unshakable faith. Just like a braided cord, we weave three strands: 1 our child’s faith, our faith, and God’s love. The braided cord will not easily break.