Sunday, December 10, 2017

Baseball - by George Murphy


        The World Series of baseball is raging as I write. The Astros and the Dodgers are in quite a battle. They are both extraordinary teams.

I love Baseball. Players come in all sizes and from different backgrounds. The best player may be 5’5” tall or nearly 7’ or any size in between, overweight or painfully thin.  He may be well educated, or not at all.  He may come from an extremely privileged background, or a severely under privileged background.  He may be from a wide variety of nations and ethnicities. Each team member’s success depends on everyone doing their job and playing as a team.

Each player, in the Series, has to play both offense and defense.  Each defensive position has a unique job. Each offensive player has a similar job, i.e. batting and running the bases.  The team’s success depends on each player doing his job. Hitters are considered "great" if they only fail 70% of the time.  Success depends on the individual and the group playing in concert.  When both teams play to their potential the results can be riveting. This year’s Series is such.

The apostle Paul didn’t have the privilege of experiencing Baseball, but he was acutely aware of the need for teamwork. In First Corinthians Chapter 12, he likened members of the body of Christ to members of the human body. As members of Christ’s body, we are joined together, regardless of size, education, background or ethnicity. We may have different talents or functions, but together we are one. We owe it to God and to each other to work together to make His Kingdom come.