Wednesday, March 29, 2017

On Keeping Your Word - by Dr. Chris Duke

“I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that that went forth from my lips”
                                                              Psalm 89:34 (ESV)
Dr. David Jeremiah shared a story in a recent devotional that underscores this very scripture: 

While cleaning his home last year, Darwin Day, 70, of Grand Prairie, TX found a set of old Topps Baseball cards from 1957-1958.  Included were packets of Bazooka bubble gum, that had a wrapper which offered a prize from the company to anyone who correctly filled out in the scores from certain teams in certain games.  Since there was no deadline listed on the communication, Day filled it out and sent it in. 

Executives from Bazooka were surprised to say the least, but they kept their word.  They sent Day a baseball glove, T-shirts, a Bazooka pillow and lots of Bazooka bubble gum!  The company made good on a promise that had been made almost 60 years before!

We all make promises.  We make covenants.  Occasionally, circumstances make delivering on these covenants difficult, but we find a way.  I have in a joking way shared with my wife Ann that whether it’s a business, civic or family matter, “I have to sometimes live up to a promise if it just about kills me in doing it!”  After all, Jesus gave us the gold standard for challenging us to keep our word.  Matthew 5:37 (ESV) says “let your yes be yes and your no be no.  Anything that goes beyond this is from the evil one”.

Life teaches us that before we speak up, we should measure the consequences of answering “yes” or “no” carefully.  It is more honorable as a Christian to say “no I can’t” than to say “yes I can” in order to appease, but not follow through.

Prayer:  Lord, help us with wisdom this Lenten season.  Help us all commit to causes worth our time and energy, that also are commitments you desire us to make.  Above all, help us keep our word with others.

Closing thought:  If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath or binds himself to a pledge, he should do all that proceeds out of his mouth.  Numbers 30:2 (ESV)