Friday, March 17, 2017

Vine to Vine - by Barbara Lemon


The idea of how I enter situations and the attitude in which I carry , has been an area in which God placed on my heart to search and examine.       
In this life we are on the move, in our hearts, our minds and of course the physical journey that I would say is one of perpetual motion.   I, like many of us, wake up feeling one way and throughout the day this can take on changes, and by the end can look totally different.

I know who I was this morning but I've changed a few times since then. - Alice in Wonderland

As I am a spirit of wondering thoughts, I am often tempted to jump from one topic to another in a matter of seconds.  When I remember I am God created, I can be more forgiving of myself,  but also humored by the fact,  that my "monkey brain" can leave many dazed and confused as it does myself sometimes.


"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.- John 15:5

As I am stirred often by others words of influence, I have discovered I can simply take a word or phrase that was directed for one particular situation and apply it to other areas of my life.  The phrase I heard recently was from a preacher speaking on the subject of marriage.  He asked the question, "what have you killed lately based on your reactivity?"  

As I  proceed into my day, the reality is that all my interactions are subject to "reactivity".  I have never been convinced that I would set out to kill, steal or destroy, I mean that is the enemies job, right?  But,   I do have to ask myself when or how have I responded to another, in word or action, where I put them on defense or hit on a nerve leaving someone else's heart on a path of negativity.  My response to others is often a gauge of the attitude in my heart.  I can sometimes be found swinging from vine to vine in my thoughts, as well as my heart.  If I miss out on abiding in Christ, this most important vine, than my reactivity will miss the mark and produce nothing good in me or in those I am around.  It has clearly been a learning journey of how I alone, become less productive and more destructive, and proving the futility of self-reliance. 

I am so thankful, how God reminds me time and time again,   He that is in me is Greater, for I alone can not produce that good stuff, that good reaction, that good fruit.


My challenge as I embrace this journey, is that I will cling to the vine of Him who is greater, and trust He will guide my reactivity into a victory.  I would love for my reactions to be that which produces lasting fruit…. this is how I desire to enter situations, in all my moments that make up my day from portal-to-portal.