Friday, December 22, 2017

Through the Eyes of a Child - by Kevan Jenner Brown


During Advent, when my children were small, their dad and I would take them to view a live outdoor re-enactment of the nativity.  One year, more than 25 years ago now, while we were attending this event, my daughter, age four, quietly and intently watched the poignant scene unfold before us, with living, breathing humans playing all the key roles—including a real infant as the newborn Jesus.  As soon as the performance was over, she begged us to take her to the “manger,” shouting, “I want to see the Baby Jesus!  I want to TOUCH the Baby Jesus!”  

My heart was so moved by her insistent plea that not an Advent season has passed since that I do not still hear her voice crying out that same message in my heart, soul, and mind.  That night, at that moment, she wasn’t concerned about any of the commercial trappings of Christmas, like Santa Claus or toys or flashy decorations.  Instead, she was focused only on the Baby Jesus.  

During this special season, with its often stressful, distracting demands on our time and finances, shouldn’t we remember to seek the Baby Jesus first, to reach out and touch Him in humility and love, knowing why He came here to Earth, to be our Savior?   

PRAYER:  Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for the first—and best—Christmas gift of all.  Help us to remember your precious son Jesus, not only during Advent but always.  In His name we pray.  Amen.