Wednesday, March 22, 2017

It's Not All About Me - by Sally Boswell

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, said the lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”   Isaiah 55:8

If I have learned anything from my first year of halfway being in the real world at college, I have learned how easy it is to focus on myself. Everyone is constantly worrying about being successful and making a difference, myself included. Actually just before I sat down to write this, I took a nap and had a dream that I wasn’t involved enough around campus to be successful!

I have also learned that, debatably, being seen as a Christian (going to church, posting scripture on Facebook, etc.) often fits into the narrative society draws of a well-rounded, successful individual. I do not think this is bad; it definitely encourages more people to be in spaces that glorify God. However, the reason we go to church and identify as Christians is to seek a relationship with God, not to make other people think we have our life together.

We are not called to worry about if other people think we are impressive, and we are not even called to worry about what our lives will look like in ten years. As Luke 10:27 says, we are called to love the LORD our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength, and all our mind and to Love our neighbors as ourselves. Furthermore, we are called to stop worrying!

God is capable of far more than we can wrap our minds around, so why worry? Seek a relationship with Him because you love Him, not because you live in constant fear of how you are perceived. Once you know Him, it will be so much easier to worry less, to focus less on yourself, and to give more of yourself to others. The love of Jesus Christ lives in each and every one of us; living out that love is the only place our focus should be.