Thursday, April 13, 2017

Power of the Blood - by Nancy Lemon

for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
           Matthew 26:28

More than a few years ago there was a child in our church who had leukemia and as a church we supported her need for blood. I happen to have O neg so I am a universal donor which makes it compatible to everyone! I had not given blood but a couple of time and was somewhat nervous but felt it was the least I could do. After donating, I thought , "How simple that was and it could be life-giving!!!"

As we approach Good Friday we know it was not simple for Jesus....excruciatingly painful and yet He was willing to shed His blood for us!  AMAZING!

Many of you are too young to be familiar with the old hymn Power in the Blood.  I can remember when I was a teenager ( yes, that was a LONG time ago! ) going to MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship), then Sunday night services and singing this powerfully encouraging hymn: There is power, power, wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb!  During this Lenten season, let us meditate on the sacrifice made just for us!

Prayer: Lord, we give thanks for the power of Your blood to save us, unworthy though we are! 
