Friday, April 14, 2017

With God - by Tara Knowles

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                  -Philippians 4:13

One day while I was sitting in church minding my business, I made a promise to God that I was relinquishing my life to Him and would do whatever He led me to do. He called me on it 10 minutes later and had me volunteer to join St. Paul UMC in an impromptu alter call. And He's been on a roll ever since.

He then proceeded to put it in my heart to reach out to certain people just to say hi or see how they were doing and He started upping the ante when He had me start facing some of my own fears to help benefit others. He has had me face my fear of public speaking to raise money to bring a service dog home to a sweet, autistic boy as well as pushed myself to run a marathon in honor of a beautiful girl battling cancer in...2 things I would have never attempted on my own whim. But God...

God knows what we need when we need it and that is because God knows what personal growth we'll need in order to get us to the next level. He dreams big for us and equips us with his strength to accomplish these big dreams (as well as the small tasks of reaching out and loving one another).

Ever since I let Jesus take the wheel and started just riding shotgun in my life, I have experienced some of the sweetest moments in my life with people and by myself. Being a believer in Christ in this crazy world is sometimes hard or scary because putting yourself out there and being vulnerable in any capacity is not easy. But every time I am faced with a new challenge either brought on by God, my kids, my business, etc. I do not worry, because I just say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and then I just put one foot in front of the other and take a step out in faith. God has not left me or let me down ever and I don't see Him starting now.