Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Favorite Fragrance - by Nancy Lemon

For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;         2 Corinthians 2:15

As I was doing my Bible study this morning, the above scripture was quoted and it brought to mind something that happened many years ago.  My friend came over for coffee and brought over a huge bag of hand-me-downs.  Her girls were just older than mine and she was always so sweet to share! My girls loved it and took great delight in trying on EVERYTHING and having their own fashion show.  That afternoon my youngest daughter came in from kindergarten and said,"When was Miz Moreton here?"  I was really surprised and asked how in the world did she know she had been here? Her response, even more shocking, : I could smell her!  The Moretons were our wonderful friends. We visited in their home, our kids played together, went to Horn Island together so she knew their "fragrance ".

That starting my wheels turning: was my fragrance for Christ as noticeable.  When I meet new people, is it obvious that I am His? Do people know from my words and actions that I am a follower of His? As you go about your day today, be aware of who you are and whose you are and reflect that to others.

Prayer : Lord, make me ever aware that I am yours and want others to see You in me.  Amen