Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Greatest Miracle - by James Freeman

It was a normal Sunday 40 years ago—and then God took the scales from my eyes (Acts 9:18).  We had been to church and Sunday School.  In our adult class, we had lively discussion about John 6:1-14, Jesus feeding the 5000.  The idea was presented that the greatest miracle is the miracle that changes our hearts.  With all those people there, the probability was highly unlikely that the only food available was from one little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish.  The real miracle was that, seeing Jesus bless the boy’s offering, everyone’s hearts changed so that they shared what they had and their extreme generosity resulted in 12 basketfuls left over.

Then we got in the car to go home.  Our 3 year old daughter exploded from the back seat: “You won’t believe what Jesus did!  He took just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and He made it so there was enough to feed thousands and thousands of hungry people.  And everyone got full and even had leftovers!  Isn’t that great!  It was a miracle!”

Nailed.  Convicted.  In that moment the scales fell off my eyes.  I saw the miracle afresh, in its truth:  Jesus miraculously multiplied the loaves and fish.  Period.  The faith of a child was what I returned to.  I had let my adult intelligence, knowledge, and experience get in the way.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:3 to be like little children.  Child-like faith is humble, pure, believing, and oh so beautiful to our Lord.

Have you, like me, let your adultness get in the way of seeing Jesus?  When it comes to God and the things of God we just have to abandon all we think we know, human logic (Isaiah 55:8,9 and 29:14).  We must cast down reasonings, intellectual arrogance, proud ideas, arguments, and theories so that our very thoughts obey Christ and exalt and magnify Him (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Return to the child of God in you.  Ask Him.  He will take the scales off your eyes.   

Delight in God’s Word                                 Psalm 119:162, 77 
See Him anew in the world around you.     Psalm 119:18 
Rejoice in your child-like faith                     Romans 10:17, Philippians 4:4