Saturday, April 22, 2017

Oh Lord, My Strength and My Redeemer - by Jane Sikora

Read: Psalms 119: 105-112

Wayne and I were married twenty-eight years when he got sick. We both had a gastro-intestinal upset in March and I got over it but he continued to have problems.  In the next two months he became jaundice and just didn’t have much energy.  After many tests and procedures we were referred to Oschner hospital in New Orleans for further procedures and hopefully a diagnosis.  In July they determined he had a very small tumor at the junction of his stomach, small intestines and gall bladder. He was scheduled for a Whipple procedure to remove the tumor and reconnect that junction.  The recovery from this was slow.  Then we traveled to MD Anderson for treatment options.  It was cancer and required chemotherapy that could be done in Gulfport.  In September he started his treatments. That day was his best day in months. He was able to eat and called several people on the phone that afternoon. We found out later that many of his co-workers at WLOX had a prayer meeting at the same time as his treatment. Through all of this Wayne continued to read his Bible and strengthen his faith.  Two weeks later he developed a pulmonary embolism and died. 

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that he is in heaven.  He was a much stronger Christian than I and better Methodist than I’ll ever be. GOD,
The church family, our Sunday school class (Scrap Iron) and Christian friends got our family through this crisis. PTL

Dear God, “ Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight.  O LORD, my strength and my redeemer!”
Amen.  Psalms: 19:14