Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Lifting of the Holy Hands - by Gwenda Wells

This is the day that the Lord has made,
I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Every morning when I get on my knees and thank God for watching over me while I slept, my heart rejoices thinking, “this is the day that has never been,” I am blessed.  Over thirty-five years ago when I faithfully started studying the Bible (basic instructions before leaving earth), I realized that as I understood what I learned I must live it out to reap the benefit.  When I read Psalms 141:2b “the lifting of my hands is like my evening sacrifice” as incense wafting up to God, I had a new outlook for the reason that I lift my hands in praise to God.

On Tuesdays, I accompany Micquel to Millcreek in Moss Point, MS where several of the clients greet us upon our arrival.  One gentleman, with a speech impairment, can not dress himself or even raise his hands above his chest, waits in his wheel chair until he can greet us hopefully without interruption.  He reminds of the man in John 5:5-7 who had been invalid for thirty-eight years, told Jesus that he has no one to help him get into the pool when the water is stirring.  The gentleman at the center asked me, “Did you go to church on Sunday?”  It always blesses me to share with him and his excitement is overwhelming.

While I am telling him about the sermon and Sunday School, he is always in high praise, lifting his hands as high as he can, bouncing up and down in that wheelchair and smiling as if he can see Jesus.  When I finish, he always says, “you gonna make me shout in here.”  To see this man raising his hands as high as he can and bouncing up and down in the wheelchair is a sight that has to glorify God.

When I share this story with different ones I can just see this man jumping with his hand going up and down, praising God in the highest.  Oh, my God what a sight that You allow me to experience.

God, let us be thankful for our life, whatever the situation, let us realize that You know the ending before You started the beginning.

Psalms 150: 6 – Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!