Friday, December 8, 2017

As Little Children - By Carrie Valentine


    Before saying bedtime prayers with my granddaughters one night, I mentioned the fruit of the spirit.  The youngest, who was nine at the time, said that she knew what they were and proceeded to name each one after pausing to get the last one.  Then she proudly asked me, “Grandmother, ask me how I knew!”  Was it from Sunday school, or from the lessons of her sister who goes to a Christian school?  “No! It was from your church, up front!”  Indeed, we have banners at the front of the chancel, one of which lists the fruit and they had visited our church a few weeks before.  As I sing in the choir, the banners are above my head and behind me.

      Of course, I know the fruit, but could I list them all promptly?  I discovered I had to refresh my memory.  Another day I was saying the list to these girls, and the granddaughter who goes to a Christian school interrupted saying “You forgot goodness” because I was saying them in a different order that was easier for me to remember.  So, back to the Bible to learn them in the correct order.  Now I can list them readily: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galations 5:22). 

     When two sisters get into an argument, I sometimes ask them to tell me the fruit of the spirit in the hopes that it will evoke better behavior.  But, I found that after memorizing the list, I was convicted when I was impatient or cross that I needed to exhibit better behavior.  Did not Jesus say somewhere that we must enter the Kingdom of Heaven as little children?  (Matthew 18:3).

 Prayer:  Lord, thank you for your gracious mercy and your comforter the Holy Spirit, who fills me with your grace.  Empower me to receive this gift more fully!