Monday, April 17, 2017

Call Upon Me - Joan Simpson

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which
you do not know.”                           Jeremiah 33:3

One Sunday a friend of mine came over and we went and shared lunch together.  We came out of the restaurant and she couldn’t find her cell phone.  So we spent time looking in her car and then we went back to the church to see if it was there.  No one had turned a phone in to the church.  Then we really did some praying at my home. My friend felt led to go back to the church and she found her cell phone on the left side of the road.  We both rejoiced in how we had called upon the Lord and how He had answered our prayers.  Great is His faithfulness.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord that we can call upon You and You answer us and show us great and mighty things.  Amen.