Saturday, December 23, 2017

Stressed Much at Christmas? - by Robin Boswell


Be honest. Who else fantasizes about Skipping Christmas just like in the John Grisham book and the movie Christmas with the Kranks?  How wonderful it sounds to avoid all of the things that make the holidays a great big busy stressor- frantic shopping for meaningful-yet-affordable gifts, endless gift-wrapping, pressured decorating to somehow make it look magical, attending parties for every classroom/group/organization, forcing family photoshoots for the perfect holiday card, trying to cook when you stink at it, and if that isn’t enough- taking the whole show on the road to Grandma’s.

Just as I suspected, I am not alone in my stressful state. In a 2015 study, 62% of people said their stress levels were “very or somewhat elevated” during the holidays. It turns out that most of us are experiencing distress at a time when we think we should be full of joy. 

This realization has led me to question myself. Is there any time during the Christmas season that I feel at peace? The answer comes quickly and reveals itself to me. I feel perfect peace and overwhelming joy when I am at CHURCH! Joy to the World, The Lord Is Come, Silent Night, Holy Night, The Little Lord Jesus Asleep On the Hay, Fall On Your Knees - these are the words and melodies that fill the air and our hearts with the true meaning of Christmas! I don’t care how many times we hear it; we never tire of the Bible story about the birth of the Christ who has come to save the world.

That takes care of me and my stress, but aren’t we called to share the Good News? It occurs to me that the very best gift that we could offer is a slice of that Peace and Joy. We don’t even have to shop, cook or decorate to give this extraordinary gift. We can invite friends, co-workers, or whole families to join us at church and to hear about this Savior who we follow. It is a simple as that, and yet it can have an eternal impact.  

The odds are on our side, too. A majority (57%) of people who do not normally attend church at Christmastime say that they are likely to attend if invited by someone they know. So let’s go for it! Invite a bunch of people! Offer to pick them up if you can, or offer to meet them when they arrive. Then introduce them to some other people at church. Tell them to bring more friends. The Peace and Joy that we all desperately need is found in Jesus Christ!

The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people.’’ Luke 2:10 (Common English Bible)

Prayer: Help me to share your Good News with others and to invite them to worship alongside of me. Make me bold.               

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